Sensor Notification Webhook Body Templates

Webhook Payload Variables

Name Variable Description
Notification Activation Id @{notificationActivationId} The ID (Guid) of the activation.
Activation Time @{activationTime} The time the sensor notification activated in UTC.


Tenant Id @{tenantId} The ID (Guid) of the tenant
Notification Name @{notificationName} The name of the sensor notification that was activated.
Sensor Names @{sensorNames} A comma separated list of sensor names, with each name quoted.
Sensor Names - Unquoted @{sensorNamesUnquoted} A comma separated list of sensor names.
Group Name @{groupName} The SysTrack group that the sensor notification is monitoring.
Activation Threshold Text @{activationThresholdText} A string description of the threshold settings. For example “24% of systems currently reporting” or “1 system currently reporting”.
Activation Threshold Value @{activationThresholdValue} The numeric value - number or percentage of systems - that triggers an activation.
Activation Threshold Is Percent @{activationThresholdIsPercent} Boolean value - true means that the Activation Threshold Value is a percentage, false means that it is a number of systems.
Notification Description @{notificationDescription} The description of the sensor notification.
Notification Activation Prevent URL @{notificationActivationDetailsURL} The URL that will take you to the activation details in Prevent.
Systems Affected At Activation URL @{systemsAtActivationURL} The URL to the API call to get the systems affected at the time of activation.

NOTE: You cannot access this endpoint without authentication.

Systems Affected Currently or at Resolution URL @{systemsCurrentlyAffectedURL} The URL to the API call to get the systems currently affected by this activation. If the activation is already dismissed, this will return the systems that were affected when the activation was dismissed.

Default Payload

    "eventId": "@{notificationActivationId}",
    "eventTime": "@{activationTime}",
    "eventType": "SensorNotification.Activated",
    "data": {
        "tenantId": "@{tenantId}",
        "notificationName": "@{notificationName}",
        "sensorNames": [@{sensorNames}],
        "groupName": "@{groupName}",
        "activation": @{activationThresholdValue},
        "isPercent": @{activationThresholdIsPercent},
        "notificationDescription": "@{notificationDescription}"

See the links below for example body templates from the following third-party applications: